Friday 30 August 2019

Current Events Quiz - Guess the Flag

This week we did a curents events quiz. with teams of two or three this was one of the questions see if you can figure it out.  

What Flag Is This?

Image result for turkey flag

Here is some hints... 

1. It has one of the world's oldest and biggest malls.
2.It is the home of kebabs 
3. Santa Clause was born in...

Thursday 29 August 2019

Mirror Image

This week in numeracy we have been working on trasformation this is were you reflect the shape over the X or Y axis or rotate the shape or traslate the shape or traslate the shape by sliding it up, down, left, or right we had to make a puzzle for other people to solve. comment below if you know how i have trasformed my square. i liked learning about trasformation as it was more hands on.

Calander art

This week we have done lots of art and we have done calander art. Here is my art I have done. It is aboriginal art and it was pretty fun to make it.

Jake Bailey

A couple of weeks ago a man came and talked about how he survived cancer to all the year 7 and 8 kids. His name was Jake Bailey. We learnt that he had cancer when he was 18 and then he gave a speech to all the Christchurh Boys High learners. The speech was so inspiring that it went worldwide and he became famous. He was in hospital for a long time to  cure his cancer.  Jake was very inspiring to listen too and said we should practice being happy to help us in the bad times of our life.

Image result for jake bailey

Enlargment Maths

This week we focused on 3 different types of maths art, enlargement, Rotational Symetery and tessellation. I chose enlargement art. You could choose what character you wanted to enlarge so I chose Darwin off The Amazing World of Gumball. It was really fun and I want to do it again.

Here is my information slide about how to do Enlargement Art.  

Thursday 1 August 2019

Are Deer Pests?

Here is some work we have done this week about deer. It is about if deer are pests or not.  Different groups of people have different opinions. What do you think?  Fill out my survey below.